

Prep work

Having everything you need ready

Just a Few:

If you have one or both of these, have them on hand.  If you don’t you can go to Indeed resume builder or Earn Better. 

Have a professional sounding email address. Emails of this would be first name last name ([email protected]) or some variation of that.  This email address should also be dedicated to work from home jobs ONLY!

You should either have a cell phone or Google voice number with a proper voicemail to put on application.  You want to be able to answer all calls, text messages or voice mails that you may receive after filling out application.


When applying you want to make sure that you sit aside anywhere from 20 – 45 minutes

Somethings to keep in mind:

There is no reason to rush through the application.  Please take all the time you need to complete it correctly.  Remember, taking short cuts could lead to you not being hired.  The simple mistake of writing you email address wrong means that you can not be contacted.

Don’t pay anyone to complete any part of your application, assessment, cover letter or resume.

There is a 50/50 chance that you may have to complete it during or after you finish filling out resume.  Make sure you pack your patience.  They can cover computer specs, personality test, spoken portion, digital interview, typing test or speed test.

Some companies ask for references and some don’t, just please make sure you have at least one person that you can put down.  if you don’t have one, just write N/A in each field.


Make sure you keep an eye out for emails/calls/text messages and voicemails.

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